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Sunday, January 28, 2007


The realtor who was supposed to bring his clients by @ 12:30 today for a second viewing never showed up. No show, no call. Nice. Very professional.

3 days left til the month is over, and it looks like my goal of getting 2 deals signed isn't going to happen. It's like my phone just stopped ringing all of a sudden. I'm not doing anything different than before, in fact I've been marketing even more. I don't get it. I guess I will just have to do more. It's starting to piss me off quite a bit, which usually is a good thing. It will make me work harder.

The realtor I spoke about in my previous blogs seems to be MIA. We were supposed to get together and get some paperwork signed over the weekend, but I can't get in touch with her. Strange.

Tomorrow I'm going to sit at my desk and make phone calls until I get at least 1 decent lead. I'm going to go crazy if I don't get something going in the very near future.

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