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Tuesday, March 6, 2007


The second offer came in today on my house @ $144k. The buyer couldn't get pre-approved. The first buyer gave a final offer of 138k which we accepted. The closing is set for the 6th of April. I forgot to mention in my last entry that these are the people who responded to my "Jolly Rancher" ad on Craigslist. Pretty funny.

So, a few hours after all this, my realtor calls to tell me that he will make sure the money is divided up between my greedy friend (he didn't say greedy), and me "according to our agreement." I asked him exactly what he thought our agreement was. Apparently she is still planning on making me pay half of her capital gains taxes!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? So, let's see, I'll pay for EVERYTHING, do all the repairs, market the house, find a buyer, and you still want me to pay YOUR FREAKING TAXES??? How greedy can you possibly get???? I freaked out on the phone, used the f word a few times which I shouldn't have, and told him that WAS NOT THE AGREEMENT. He told me he was going to talk with her later and would let me know what the deal is. I haven't heard back yet, and I'm assuming he is going to be the intermediary from here on out, which is a good idea, because I have a very bad temper and tend to do things that aren't wise when I get this upset. It is not so much the money (it will end up being around $2500 each), but the principle. I just can not believe her. How could someone possibly think this makes any sense. Oh, and to add to it, her husband is doing the loan, so they'll be getting an extra couple of grand from the buyer THAT I FOUND!!!!! Unreal. I have to stop talking about it now or I am going to have a meltdown.

I am meeting tomorrow with the mortgage guy to talk about how much they are going to pay me for leads.

I am taking the night off from signs, but have about 30 letters to send out tomorrow.

I got 5 calls today. One, I sent to my shortsale guy. I gave another to a friend of mine, and it looks like it will turn into a $500 referral fee for me. 2 of the calls were other wholesalers, and 1 lady I have to call back tomorrow. She is out of state, looking to sell a rental, but doesn't seem too motivated. I should have qualified her better, but was in the middle of the whole townhouse fiasco and couldn't think straight.

Tomorrow I am going to work on getting a whole bunch of other letters together, put some signs out, and hopefully get a bunch of calls from extremely motivated sellers.

I need to get some sleep tonight. I've been to bed late the last couple of nights and up early. It makes me not very pleasant to be around.

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