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Sunday, May 27, 2007


I think I am going to keep things as they are regarding the short sales. I don't think I would be well suited to do them full time.

I finally broke down (literally) and asked my Dad for a loan. He was happy to help me out, which makes me feel like an even bigger loser for asking. He worked his butt off his whole life as a welder and retired a few years ago. I really am lucky to have the family that I do.

I called on an investor's "we buy houses" sign the other day. We got to talking, and met for lunch the next day. He has been wholesaling for 6 years and is doing really well. We sat and talked for 3 and a half hours. He told me his story and how hard it was for him when he was getting started. His whole family wanted him to quit, but he refused to go back to a j-o-b. This guy never graduated high school, and was a drug dealer. He decided that he wanted something better for himself, and refused to quit. What an inspiration.

I have really let up on my marketing, and need to get it back into full swing. I came up with a revised marketing plan that I am going to implement immediately. It is pretty much the same, although I've added a few new things, and decided to eliminate signs (for the 10th time).

I had a few different friends invite me to the beach for the holiday weekend, but I decided to stay home and work. It was tempting, though. I hope it rains so I don't feel like I'm missing out. Just kidding.

I ran 4 miles today.

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