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Monday, November 5, 2007

Daylight Savings Time


My least favorite day of the year is the day we set the clocks back. I think I have SAD, although I have a different name for it: Cold Weather Sucks. I'm sure the pharmaceutical companies much prefer the name they came up with, though. Surely calling it "Cold Weather Sucks" would not sell as many unnecessary prescription drugs that have far worse side effects than the symptoms of the supposed ailment.

I heard a commercial the other day for some sort of prescription drug (I think it was for restless leg syndrome), that said some of the possible side effects may include, "increased gambling or sexual urges." Huh? Maybe I dreamt it.

I made 9 offers over the weekend. The barrage of angry realtor calls should start any minute now...........


Christopher said...

I've never understood why Realtors or sellers get their panties in a wad about low-ball offers. At most, all they have to do is make a phone call and simply say, sweetly, "Cram it." Lectures and tirades seem a bit much.

Then again, if you're getting 50 of those a day... said...

We have two homes on the market right now and got a low ball offer yesterday. My wife, who is also our realtor, looked at me and sweetly said, "Fucking realtors and their GD lowball offers!!". She then calmly faxed over our counter. I love my wife.

Christopher said...

See, that's all it takes!