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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Can Someone Help Me With This Please??


Can someone please tell me how I can take my uploaded pictures from Photobucket and include them in emails as attachments? Is that possible? I can figure out how to add a link to the photos, but not how to send tham as attachments. I've already spent an hour trying to figure it out, and am not getting anywhere besides frustrated.


I'm getting another property under contract today!! I'll post details later.


Christopher said...

What kind of e-mail program are you using? MS Outlook or something Web-based?

Anonymous said...

STeph, if you go into your album, and right click on the picture, you can either save it to your computer or email it. If you email it, you can't send more than one pic this way (that I know of). But if you save the ones you want to your computer, then select all of them at once, right click, hit "send to", then "mail recipient"

Does this help?

Taylor said...

It depends on what email program you are using, but I think photobucket has a separate address for each photo. If that is the case, you can copy/paste the address into the email and create a link to each photo.

I know this doesn't place the actualy photo/thumbnail of each photo in the body of the email, but it should create a click-able link in the email and be pretty easy for you to do.

Good luck!

Steph said...

HI Guys,

Thanks for the quick responses.

Chris- I am using Earthlink mail.

Tim, I am going to try and do what you suggested, I'll let you know if it works.

Taylor- That's what I was doing initially, but wanted to send them as attachments as opposed to links within the email.

Thanks again Guys!

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but I think Earthlink mail is your problem. Most other email products are not that tough.

But, off my soapbox....
Is there an "attach file" or some other option? Post a screen shot on your blog of a "new message" screen. That may help us geeks!

jasonhh said...

Probably running into file size limit. Can you do it from Outlook or something instead?