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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Kicking ASS And Taking Names!!


REO #2 is officially under contract!! I got the call yesterday. I sent it to one of my buyers last night who I know likes this area, and he just called and told me he's going to check it out right now and will probably take it.

I'll update later, hopefully with news of a signed contract!

Look out 2008, here I come.....


Christopher said...

I'm going to have to create a macro that writes "congratulations!" if I keep reading this blog. Until then, let me spell it out: Congratulations!

Now, how are you doing it? As far as I can tell, you're not a guru or hocking some "system." You're a real, live human being who's really doing it. I've changed my tactics somewhat and it's yielding exactly squat squared. Now, that MAY be because my new tactic is "nothing," but I'll probably pick it up again in the next few months (when we either sell, rent or lose the condo).

So, how about a "typical-day-in-the-life-of-Steph?" To what do you attribute this "luck?" I'm especially curious because two months ago you were basically down to your last dollar. What happened?

Seriously--congratulations. This blog and your experience is what has kept me from throwing in the towel and dismissing all this REI bullshit for what it is. I'm not totally sold on the idea that this can work in any market because I live in northern Virginia, one of the riches areas around. But I'm holding on to a shred of faith...


Taylor said...

Good on you Steph! Keep those offers going out!

Costa Rica spending money!

Take care,

jasonhh said...

Good job Steph, this is Awesome!

Boyd said...

Ok, now you're really starting to make the rest of us look bad. :) Congratulations on a great start to 2008.


Steph said...

Thanks Guys!!

Christopher- actually, I am coming out with a course called "How to Fail Miserably At Your First Year In Wholesaling." Hehe, just kidding.

The only thing I attribute my recent deals to is plain old hard work. Things are just starting to come together now, finally, just like everyone told me they would if I hung in there and kept working at it.

;o) said...

Nice work again Steph. I tell you what, between the money your making and the money your boyfriend makes, your in pretty good shape! Tell him Jared said hey and good luck at the Australian Open... :)

Anonymous said...

It isn't luck.

She is doing it the old fashioned way......busting her butt for it, not listening to clowns that say it can't be done and focusing on the right stuff.

She took the pain, felt it and didn't let it make her give up when more than 99% would have.