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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Good News All Around


Well, I'm pleased to announce that my team came in first place at the 1st Annual Labor Day Cornhole Tournament! I snapped some pictures of the festivities for you....

The competition.....

Cornhole in action

Behold......the Champions..

On top of that...the love of my life just secured his spot in the quarterfinals of the US Open! He's flying me out tomorrow so I can be there to cheer him on for the rest of the competition.

And, in other news, I got a fantastic counter offer today on an REO that I offered on last week. This one was listed @ 90k, I offered 55k, and they dropped down to 63k right off the bat. I countered back at 57k earlier today, and am waiting to hear back from the bank. I think I can get between 65-69k for this one. Keeping my fingers crossed....

¡Adios Amigos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS 3 times Steph...What an awesome day!
Ed (Upstate NY)