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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Spoke Too Soon


Well, this is just par for the course.

The buyer's private money guy just pulled out of the deal, so now he has no funding. Guess we are not closing Friday after all.

HAHAHAHA. Joke's on me.


Shae said...

That stinks. So what happens next Steph? Do you have time to find a new buyer or is the deal dead at this point?

Steph said...

Hi Shae,

I was able to get an extension on the contract (we are actually out of contract right now anyway) and should be able to get this guy lined up with a new lender. If they can't fund it in time, I can get the cash to close it myself (and lose some of my profit)and then sell to the buyer when his lender is ready.

Or, the buyer could just back out, and then I am screwed.

Good times.

Shae said...

Well the good news you have the extension and bought yourself some more time. It will work out. Good luck!

jasonhh said...

Oh joy!!!