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Friday, May 1, 2009

Anyone Want To JV on A Deal With Me?



I can't believe this is happening!

I was just presented with the most incredible investment opportunity, and thought I would write a post about it in hopes that one of you would be interested in joint venturing on this deal with me. From what I can tell, it looks like we could stand to make a HUGE chunk of money on this one.

I'll cut and paste the email I just received.

Let me know what you think.....

Hello Dear

I know that this mail might come to you as a surprise because you don't know me and I don't know you too. My name is Arya Mohammed Atif , I am 24 years old girl and an orphan from Sudan. My late father Mr Mohammed Atif was the deputy general manager with CNPC oil company at Khartoum refinery in Sudan. My late father was killed alongside with my beloved mother and our family house burnt down by the rebels during the last crisis in my country when Janjaweed militant came to our house, and this was what sent me away from my country to Burkina Faso as I made my escape only by God's special grace. You can read more about my country in the bbc news(

I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment which I am receiving from my step mother. She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile I wanted to travel to Europe, but she hide away my international passport and other valuable documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father's File which contained important documents. Now I am presently staying in the Mission in Burkina Faso. I am seeking for long term relationship and investment assistance. My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US$8.5 Million in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I had contacted the Bank to clear the deposit but the Branch Manager told me that being a refugee, my status according to the local law does not authorize me to carry out the operation. However, he advised me to provide a trustee who will stand on my behalf. I had wanted to inform my stepmother about this deposit but I am afraid that she will not offer me anything after the release of the money.

Therefore, I decide to seek for your help in transferring the money into your bank account while I will relocate to your country and settle down with you. As you indicated your interest to help me I will give you the account number and the contact of the bank where my late beloved father deposited the money with my name as the next of kin. It is my intention to compensate you with 20% of the total money for your assistance and the balance shall be my investment in any profitable venture which you will recommend to me as have no any idea about foreign investment. Please all communications should be through this email address only for confidential purposes.

Thanking you a lot in anticipation of your quick response. I will send you details in my next email for you to know me well.

I am waiting for your reply,
Best regards,
Miss Arya Mohammed.


Can you believe this, people????

In case you don't have a calculator handy, 8.5 million x 20%= A LOT OF MONEY!!!


If anyone is interested in going in on this deal with me 50/50, please respond in the comments section with your name, date of birth, social security number, and bank account info (acct#, routing #).

Thanks, and have a great weekend!



J Scott said...

Hah! I already responded directly to the woman, and am going to keep all the money for myself...



Anonymous said...

Be glad he responded and not you. IT'S A SCAM!!!! I get email like this all the time in my junk mail. So be glad you didn't give any of your personal information away. I'm surprised you've not heard about these types of email being sent. Many people have been burned thinking they were really going to make a lot of money only to lose, in some cases, all their savings. Thank God you were spared becoming one of the statistics.

To your success!

Steph said...

Not so fast J-

I already recorded a right of first refusal on this deal!



Clifford said...

Who do I make the check out to?

Steph said...

Mohammed Atif Enterprises,LLC,INC.

Unknown said...

Funny, I received an email EXACTLY like this one a few weeks ago except they said they were stranded in South Africa & I was offered the same deal. I got excited for all of two & 1/2 seconds. It really doesn't add up.

I think it's a scam. If I had 8.5 Million dollars at stake, I certainly wouldn't be emailing random people for help. "Miss Arya Mohammed" obviously has internet access, so why would she email complete strangers for help with this transaction instead of contacting a professional (such as an attorney?).

Not such a good idea to hand over your full name, DOB, SS # and bank account # to this mystery person.

Shae said...

Steph, you are hilarious! I haven't seen this one before although I've certainly seen plenty just like it. By the way, please allow me to take a moment to assure some of commenters here that you are *fully* aware that this is a scam. Please note Steph's labels on her post: sarcasm alert, this is what I get for posting ads on Craigslist

Steph said...


Thanks for clarifying, Shae. :)

BikerJim said...

Thanks Steph, you completely ruined in latest blog post draft!
I was about to post on my blog about how I sold a house, for a casheirs check, thru craigs list, for $100k more than I was some orphaned prince in Africa.
funny, the check they mailed, (which was actually $200k above the price, I had to return them $100k in the mail), had my website name spelled correctly, but the silly bank who issued it, mis-spelled EVERYTHING ELSE!

Crazy how rich folks can't spell!
Oh well, I'll just keep the scan of the check on my office wall for now.

Enjoyed your post, that was good,

P.S. I really did get a check in the mail from a craigslist ad, made out to my website name. Kept it, because it is funny. I did respond to their email offer with a mail address........if for nothing else than to waste the scammers time and postage.

Steph said...

Hey Jim,

Sorry for ruining your post..

So, I don't get it. They send you a bad check and then think you're going to send them one back?

Are there really people out there dumb enough to fall for it? If so, they kind of deserve to get scammed.


You can have a lot of fun screwing with these people and stringing them along.

Scott Costello said...

If you have some free time and want to read about some people who "went along" with the scam, read some of the stories here.

One of the guys scammed the scammer out of $100. Paging Mr Barraster

Steph said...

I'm heading over to check it out now- thanks.

Dennis said...


Back in my mischievous days, we would "bait" theses scammers then scam them back.. haha I managed to walk away with a few hundred dollars in the process. It was very funny.. yet sad. ..shesh im a bad person i know, smh. LOL SIKE!

Steph said...


I do the same thing,although I've never gotten any money out of it.

I just like to waste their time.

It's also fun to hear the ridiculous stories they come up with.


Anonymous said...

How do people scam them back? That's pretty funny. Too bad it's for such little amounts.

Steph said...

(courtesy of Scott).

SeMore Butts (JL) said...

Wow this is incredible!! Let's do this STEPH! Count Me IN!

Name: Semore Butts

Date of Birth: 1883

Social Security Number: D33-ZN-UT$1

Bank Account....Hmmm that's a bit personal, but hey we're talking 8.5 million!!!

Bank ACCOUNT: 24928552BS

OK there you go... Let's GET RICH!