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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I couldn't take the suspense any longer, so I called my ex-friend to see what the deal is. She didn't answer, so I left another message asking for her to please call me and let me know what is going on. She called back and after about 30 seconds, all hell broke loose. It isn't funny at all, but I really wish I had recorded this call. We were both screaming at each other for at least a minute or so non-stop. I have no idea what she was saying, and I'm sure she didn't hear me either. She ended up hanging up on me. I called right back and told her (on her voice mail- she didn't answer) that if she didn't call me back immediately and let me know what was going on, that I was going to trash the place and make her evict me. She called me right back. She is saying that the original agreement was that I would pay for everything, including her taxes. I know that I never agreed to this, but it really doesn't matter at this point. She wins. I will get what she gives me. The saddest part about the whole deal is that I just lost a very good friend over money. This is why they say not to do business with friends. It just isn't worth it.

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