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Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Today was one of those days where I feel like I got nothing accomplished. At noon I went to look at one of the properties I found on the mls. There was a detour on the way there, and I ended up getting totally lost (my sense of direction is a joke to begin with), I had to call the realtor and he met me at a gas station. I got even more lost on the way home. What should have been a 1 hour drive (round trip), ended up taking over 2 hours. I almost ran out of gas as well, and had no cash on me (I left my purse @ home). When I got home I faxed over an offer. Haven't heard anything back.

I had two other properties that I wanted to look at today. I called the first listing agent, who told me they were in negotiations w/ a buyer, and to call back tomorrow (she wasn't very pleasant on the phone). I called the next listing agent and asked if I could look at the property today (this was around 3pm) she sounded aggravated, and told me she would call me back after she checked her schedule. I haven't heard back from her yet. I wonder what her client would have to say if he knew his realtor was blowing off a potential buyer for his vacant house that's been sitting on the market for 4 months. I know I would be pretty pissed. 3% well spent.

I searched through the foreclosure listings I got yesterday and have a bunch I am going to offer on. I am trying to find a way to streamline this whole process so I can make as many offers as possible as quickly as possible. A work in progress, I guess.

I have about 30 postcards to send out tomorrow. I'm suprised I haven't been getting more calls from them, as I have been sending quite a few out lately. You just never can tell.

I never heard back from the seller of the house I got under contract last weekend, so I started doing some marketing for a buyer. I'm going to bring it to the investor meeting this coming Tuesday and present it there.

My goal is to get another house under contract before the end of the month. I think if I keep up the pace, I should be able to do so. Desperation sure is a great motivator.

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