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Thursday, January 25, 2007


It's 2:04 am, and I finally got to put some more signs out (30). I also sent out 30 more postcards.

I got one call today from a postcard I sent out earlier in the week. Not enough equity.

The realtor who called me yesterday to give me 2 leads called back again today to give me 4 more. We ended up talking for about half an hour, and she is really excited about looking for deals for me. I explained to her at least 5 times that it takes a whole lot of offer-making to get one accepted. I also told her that I prefer to assign the deals to other investors. She is really a go-getter, and I am excited to work with her. She is going to call the listing agents tomorrow on the 2 properties she told me about yesterday and ask them if the sellers would entertain an "investor" offer. When I speak with her tomorrow, I am going to set up a lunch with her so we can talk a little more.

I got another call from one of the listings agents telling me his client wasn't interested in my offer. He also told me that he really appreciated the fact that I actually came out to look at the property before I submitted the offer. Nice guy. I guess he must be getting a lot of shotgun offers on this property.

I spoke with two sellers today who have properties they are trying to get rid of in the area I want to move to. One of them is willing to sell subject to with very little down. PITI is only $1200/month, and there is around 35k equity. This property would be perfect for me, but I can't do anything until my p.o.s. townhome sells. It's very frustrating. I guess there's a good chance that their properties may still be available when I am ready to move, so I am keeping their contact info. just in case.

I added another buyer to my buyers list today while calling on ads from the paper. He is also joining the investment group we are starting (I think we are up to 38 members now).

I'm going to look at 2 properties tomorrow that I got off of the mls. Not sure if I'm going to put signs out tomorrow. There is always a lot more traffic on the weekends late at night. I'd prefer not to get run over just yet.

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