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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


My signs finally got here today. It has been raining for the last few hours, so I don't know if I'll be able to put any out tonight. If not, they'll go out tomorrow.

I looked at 3 properties today, and made 5 offers (2 were on properties I looked at yesterday). One of the realtors I met today called me a few hours after I left and told me about two properties she found on the mls that I might be interested in.

I spent a good part of the day organizing my office. I had been putting it off for a few weeks now, but today decided I couldn't take the clutter any longer.

I have 200 more signs ordered that should be here before the end of the month. I want to put out the 100 that I just got within the week.

Still no leads. My phone has been really quiet lately. I'm going to be seriously disappointed with myself if I don't have something under contract by the end of the month.

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