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Thursday, September 13, 2007


Warning: If you are offended by curse words, don't read this blog entry.

This is really funny (my kind of funny). So, I forwarded the email with the new contract and addendum over to the investor I was working the deal with to have him have the seller sign it. I didn't even open the attachment and look at the contract or the addendum because I really don't give a shit about this deal anymore. Well, I get a call from the investor who tells me they jacked the price of the house up 100k and are trying to get the 100k back at closing! You've got to be fu**ing kidding me! What a joke. So, this is how all of these jokers are making money, I guess. I'm done with this deal. I guess that explains why he sent over a contract that was illegible the first time. Tried to feed me some bs about their fax "acting up." Right. This ain't my first rodeo, pal. Go f yourself, and thanks for wasting my time. Dick head. His partner just called a minute ago (I didn't answer), and left a msg saying he has some more buyers interested and wants me to set up a time for them to look at it. Hilarious. Sure, I'd love to waste some more of my time playing realtor to your stupid fu**king cash-out buyers. No thanks. I'm walking away from this. We have an option on it, so it's not like we are screwing the seller if we don't perform.

Let's see, what else. I called the guy with the 85k house yesterday around noon and left a msg asking when he might be thinking of getting around to signing and faxing the contract back. I mean, I know it's only been 5 days and all, but I'd kind of like to know what the f is going on. So, after 5 hours of him not calling back, I decided I would just blow up his phone with calls until he answered me. What do I have to lose? Besides the 10k that I don't really need anyway because I have that money tree out back. Thank God for that money tree. I finally got him on the phone and he said he would get it back to me today or tomorrow or the next day. Seriously, he said that.

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?????? Anyone? Does every single effing deal I touch have to turn to shit?

I was venting my frustrations to a friend yesterday- telling him I feel like I have been hitting my head against a brick wall all year. He said, "Well, at least you've figured two things out- the wall ain't moving, and your head hurts." Not really sure what he was trying to get at with that, but I thought it was funny. Not ha-ha funny, but oh my God if things don't turn around soon for me I am going to off myself funny.

This is just absolutely fuc**ng RIDICULOUS!!!

I have come to the conclusion that God wants me to be broke and miserable. Clearly, I have absolutely no control over getting deals. None. I can market my ass off, make a bazillion offers, do everything I am supposed to do to get deals, and still, everything just falls apart. Somebody please tell me WHY?

I am sick of wasting my fuc**ing time and having everything blow up in my face on a continual basis. I'm sick of talking about it, sick of thinking about it, dreaming about it, sick of writing in this stupid freaking blog about it.

It's 5:00 somewhere. I need a drink.

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