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Sunday, July 27, 2008

One Down


The deal with McHotterson closed Friday. He brought his girlfriend along to the closing. She seriously looks like a walking, talking barbie doll, and I secretly wanted to punch her in the face a little bit. But that's just between you and me. Hehe.

The deal that was supposed to close 5 years ago, is finally (for serious this time), for REAL, going to be ready to close next week. I got the good news right before I got the call from my buyer letting me know that he may not be able to buy it now because he is having a really hard time getting financing on the house he bought from me a month or so ago. He bought it with cash, and is trying to get his cash back out of it, but is having a really hard time doing so..... Hilarious, isn't it?? Now that the idiots at the bank finally have their shit together (a month and a half later), my buyer can't get the cash to buy it. HAHAHAHA. Hilarious!! So......after talking to Steve Cook about it, he advised me (for probably the 100th time), to get my ass out on the streets (I'm paraphrasing here, btw) and find a local lender who I can bring my buyers to. Honestly, he has been telling me to do this for the last six months or so, and I still haven't done it. If any of you guys from are reading this, you know that Nate has been bringing all of his buyers to a few of the local lenders he has built relationships with, and he is doing very, very, well. So, that's my mission for this coming week- find a few small, local banks who I can bring my buyers to. I can't say I'm really looking forward to it, because I know there will be a lot of rejection involved in the process, but I know that it will be well worth my time once I get it done. I guess you could say that I'm in a comfort zone right now, and I need to get out of it and make some adjustments.

Oh yeah- the deal I closed on Friday with McHotterson was listed by one of the agents who I have now closed 4 deals with. I put in an offer on another of his properties on Thursday, and he called me Saturday to tell me that he's pretty sure he can get it pushed through. He also told me that he really likes doing business with me. Hehehehe.. Anyway, I will find out tomorrow if the bank is going to take my offer, and if so, I already have a buyer lined up for it. Good stuff.

And that's all I've got, folks.

Well, except this picture of Jim wearing his new hat....

Handsome little devil, isn't he?

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