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Wednesday, July 30, 2008



The pink house deal FINALLY got assigned to a closer at the title company, so there should be no reason for it not to close this Friday (famous last words). We also told the listing agent as well as the title company that if it doesn't close by Friday, we are pulling the plug and walking away. So, we'll see what happens. We decided that we are going to have a party when/if this stupid thing finally closes.

I'm still 2k away from the bank on the other deal that I have been working on. They're at 44k, and I want it at 42k. I'm pretty sure I can wholesale it for 49k, but the buyer I had in mind for it can't commit 100%, so I'm just going to ignore the bank for a little bit and see if they will come down to 42k. I think they will. They've already come down 12k, why not 2 more?

I almost had another deal sold to McHotterson, but the wholesalers who have it under contract are holding out for more (which, I don't think they're gonna get). Oh well. I would have taken his offer all day long (and twice on Sunday) if it were me. I'm all about the quick nickel...

Happy Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Is your pink house a beach house?

I know we had a non beach house here that was hot pink and they marketed the crap out of that thing, "buy the PINK house" etc...after a year they painted it, I have no idea why they waited.

Unknown said...

No, it's far from a beach house..

Kind of in the hood, actually.