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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Paying The Price


So, tonight I went out for sushi with my short sale friend Nathan. I know a lot of the people reading this have not been reading since the beginning, so you probably don't remember last summer when Nathan was just starting up his short sale business. Fast forward a little over a year, and this guy is kicking some serious short sale ass and taking names. I have to tell you, what he has accomplished over the last year is very impressive, and I have seen him bust his ass to get to where he is now...

Anyway, we were having a beer on his patio this evening and he mentioned how he remembered that last year at this time I was running around putting bandit signs out every night, and just trying to figure out how I could make money in this market, and, at the same time, he was getting his short sale business off the ground....... And then he said something that really hit home... He said (in a nutshell), that the reason we are starting to see the fruits of our labor is because we were willing to PAY THE PRICE. We were willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to succeed.

I know there are a lot of beginning investors who read this blog, and I can honestly tell you that PERSISTENCE is what makes all the difference. You can buy every single course on the face of the Earth, and go to every single seminar, and pay 10 billion dollars for a mentorship program, but what it all comes down to in the end, is whether or not you are willing to pay the price. It comes down to persistence- to how bad you want it.

I know that there are a million so-called gurus out there flooding your inbox with a bunch of bullshit, and telling you how easy it is to make money in real estate (I get the emails, too). Let me be the first to tell you that IT IS NOT EASY. If you want to succeed in this business, you are going to have to pay the price. I do not know one single investor who just waltzed into success and did not pay his dues. Not one.

There is a shit-ton of money to be made in this business, but you have to be willing to work for it, and do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Success in this business is not easy, but it is there for the taking for those who really want it.

And that's all I have to say about that.

10-4, Over and Out.


jasonhh said...

Stehp is SOOO right. There are no shortcuts. Just blood, sweat and tears. Just like anything else.
Nathan seems kind of lucky to have gotten it done in a year. Sounds like him having a defined plan took some time off the curve, but not everyone has the luxury of knowing which route they'll take.

Anonymous said...

Great post Steph. Your 100% right. When I started I thought it was going to be easy and I was going to get rich quick. Ha! Not quite.

I think one thing to add to your post is that besides all the hard work and time and effort you also have to be willing to change as the times change.

I'm going to put a link to this page on my site... everybody newbie should read this!

Anonymous said...

Great post Steph! And so true! I initially got interested into RE because I thought it would be "easy money" HA! I couldnt have been more wrong, but I find the challenge is very rewarding.

Scott Costello said...

As a newbie myself, I'm looking forward to the challenge. To me if it's not challenging it's boring. I've read every single post of your blog Steph and it inspires me to no end. Cheers to you and your friend for sticking it out! It's amazing how far you've come from that first post I read. Your blog is at the top of my blog list in my personal real estate blog. If you ever get a chance read it sometime and say hello.

Taylor said...

Right on the money Steph! I'm in transition after the move to CA from VA and it has been a real eye opener for me. I took many of my relationships (good title co, good atty, other investors, buyers' list) for granted and am going through the effort of developing everything from scratch here.

Tough, but worth it in the end...

One step at a time...

Anonymous said...

Spot on Steph! Sometimes I feel as if I'm on "information overload" but if you don't APPLY what you're learning you'll never get anywhere. regards! Bill

Anonymous said...

Thats it!

Unknown said...


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