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Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Year Ago..


Geeze, what a difference a year makes.

Last year at this time I was ready to throw in the towel and give up.

I don't like to go back and read through those old posts, but I thought it might be helpful for those of you who are struggling, to read a little bit of what I was going through, and to realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel if you are willing to stick with it....


Unknown said...


Your journey has truly been an inspiration to me. I have sat around and read alot of stuff about RE investing but your blog was the push that made me go out there and "just do it" and now I am working on my first deal. I have to admit that when I first started reading your posts from the beginning archives I jumped ahead to see if you were finally experiencing the success you deserve.

Congratulations on sticking with it and thank you for putting your trials and tribulations out there for the world to read and see a true success story from the beginning. You need to link up with a movie producer and make your story a film- The Pursuit of Happiness: Wholesaling Real Estate Edition :)

To your continued success...

Steph said...

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the kind words- I appreciate it...

I'm glad to hear that you are on your way to having your 1st deal completed- it gets much easier once you get the first one out of the way.

Take care, and let me know how your deal turns out.

Steph :)

Love the movie title. Hehehe..

B said...

Steph, years ago I had a business partner who you remind me of so much. Her name was Linda.

She simply would not quit.

I mean she did not know the meaning of the word 'defeat. It was like a foreign language to her.

The way I always used to describe her was one word......"RELENTLESS".

In the American Heritage Dictionary its defined as: (ADJECTIVE):

1. Unyielding in severity or strictness;
2. Steady and persistent; unremitting:

We have not seen each other in years, Linda and I.

But when I visit your blog, and read your exploits,your triumphs, your setbacks and your comebacks, I'm reminded of her.

Steph, YOU... are "relentless".

Best regards, Bruce

Anonymous said...

That's awesome Steph! It's so cool to see what an inspiration you are to so many people, including me! Keep it up...

Anonymous said...

There's a certain romantic quality to not giving up when times get rough. It's during those times that usually something big is on the horizon.

You're definitely doing a great job and you're only getting better. Trying new ideas is key and at least you're open to it.

Flexibility rules!