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Friday, September 26, 2008



Just as I suspected, I got a call from Mrs. Hancock yesterday afternoon telling me that she only has half of the money she needs to give the hard money lender to bring her other loan current. This is after she swore to me that she had the money and would bring it in first thing yesterday. She goes on to say that she will for sure, for real this time, have it today (yeah, right). I just got off the phone with her, and now she is telling me she won't have it until Monday. Too bad we have to close Tuesday, Mrs. Hancock. This lady is a real piece of work, let me tell you. When I initially signed the contract with this lying idiot, she told me she had 20k cash saved up for a down payment. That quickly turned into "well, I don't actually have the 20k- my uncle does" and that turned into "my uncle is out of town and I don't know if I can get the money," and then "my uncle lost the money in a bad business deal, but I'm sure my sister will loan me the money." And, as it turns out, this lady doesn't even have a dime to her name and is already behind on a loan with this lender, who, now that I think about it, probably has no intention of writing her another loan and is just trying to get her to pay what she owes on the other one (which, by the way is $3200- up from the $700 she told me yesterday). I can't imagine anyone being dumb enough to loan this lady any more money when it's obvious that she's broke.

Oh, and then the absolute best part of our conversation today (and I saw this coming a mile away), was when she asked me if I would put up the rest of the money to bring her loan current! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Honestly, I had to put the phone down for about 10 seconds and find my happy place, because I was so close to blurting out "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME LADY?" and hanging up on her. Seriously, can you even imagine the nerve? Who does she think I am- the United States government? (zing!).

Well, I'm off to go look at some houses.

Have a fantastic weekend!!

20 days until Steve's boot camp- be there or be square!


Anonymous said...

Three words: Proof of funds!

Steph said...

Yeah, yeah- I know. Serves me right. It won't happen again, I can can tell you that much.

Anonymous said...

That's what I love about you Steph, you learn from your mistakes and aren't too chicken shit to share them with the rest of us.

Everybody's a critic huh?? LOL

Steph said...

Hi Jared-

Well, on the bright side of things-I got paid 1k to learn this lesson.....She put up a 2k deposit. :)

Leesa C. said...

Hey Steph,
Haven't been here in awhile but as I can see it's still been "good times"!LOL Keep up the good work,girl!
Sincerely in Christ,
Leesa C.

Steph said...

Hi Leesa-

Nice to "see" you again!

Hope you are doing well..
