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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

3 to Go, Still.


So, the second deal that was supposed to close yesterday, did not close. Not really sure why. The bank's title company sent over the HUD with tomorrow's date on it for the closing, so, I guess we're closing tomorrow. Then I've got two that are supposed to close Friday, but I'm trying to get one of them done on Thursday because my buyer (same guy who is buying the one from me tomorrow), is going out of town early Friday until the 3rd of January.

I made a bunch of offers yesterday and a few today. Jim and I had intentions of going to the hood to look at houses today, but once we got there, I decided that it was too beautiful of a day (not trying to rub it in, Northerners) to spend looking at shacks, so we decided to go to the dog park instead, where Jim came ever so close to dining on a squirrel sandwich for lunch.

And that's all I've got for today.

Well, except for this picture I took from my balcony tonight of the Suntrust building in all it's Christmas glory. I don't know how long it's been dressed up like Santa, but I just noticed it tonight....



Anonymous said...

You have a great blog so true of the tales of dealing with Bank Title Co's and Buyers. Keep up the good work and visit my blog soon.

Steph said...


I will check it out.

Kyle-OH said...

Hey Steph,

When you make offers, what is your procedure? Do you fax the offers in yourself or do you go to the realtors office everytime you make offers. I am just trying to figure out the easiest way to do this.. Thanks!

Steph said...

Hi Kyle,

I just scan and email the contract to the listing agent along with my proof of funds.

The guy I use as my buyer's agent is a good friend of mine, and is also a full time investor and does not have time to do it himself, so I do all of the busy work for him as far as writing contracts and dealing with the title companies. It works for both of us.

If I didn't have this arrangement with him, I would probably have just gotten my license myself. It's easier that way, I think.

Especially when you are just starting out, it is difficult to get another realtor to submit a whole bunch of offers for you that are most likely going to be rejected. I know I would not want to do it. It took me 124 offers before I got my first REO deal. I would not expect anyone to stick around that long. These days, I get about 1 in 15 accepted, so it's a bit different, but in the beginning, I think most agents would have told me to take a hike, and I would not blame them.

Hope that helps.
