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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Could It Be? A Christmas Miracle??


Oh boy. I am a happy camper right now! I closed one deal today at the last minute after sitting at the closing table for two hours because of a code enforcement lien that the bank's title company missed, and my buyer's title company had to get some sort of affidavit signed from the seller saying that the lien was not theirs. Or something like that. It was a really good time, and during those two hours of waiting, I got to know my sans-ID-buyer a little more, and I have to say- I am intrigued by this guy. I do not think he is an axe murderer or child molester, or anything like that, but I think he got into some trouble (drugs) a long time ago (circa 1989), and then skipped town, changed his name (to one of the most common American names), and moved to Tampa. This is just a theory I have, but I am a pretty quick study, and after talking to him for 2 hours, I feel fairly confident with my assumptions. And that's all I have to say about that.

The other deal that we signed docs for yesterday, is still not closed because the bank still hasn't sent the deed package to their title company. I will get to the bottom of this one tomorrow. I think it is just a matter of harassing a few people (by harassing, I mean calling them every half hour until they get it done), and as you all know- I have a masters degree in harassment.

And then...the cherry on the cake of my day....I just got the HUD emailed to me from the bank's title company for deal #4 that is supposed to close tomorrow, and that I thought would never close because the bank's title company forgot to order the lien search until last week. This is great news!

4 deals in one week.

Not trying to toot my own horn, but I kinda feel like a rock star right now.



I bet I just totally jinxed myself.



Chris said...

Haha. Congrats!

Steph said...

Thanks Chris :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Tampa Steph thats what's up, ur still grinding out those reo's. i got get back into the swing of things been messing around with these shortsales (waste of time). REO's ROCK

Lori_nj (from flipping forum)

Scott Costello said...

I'm enjoying these daily updates! way to go Steph!

Anonymous said...

Great Job Steph!!! Roll into '09 with a bang. Don't forget that "coffee"

ncataggie said...

Geez, 4 deals in a week! That's incredible, I'm shooting for that a month! Keep rockin Steph!


Anonymous said...

So I take it Mr Nobody doesn't drive, since he has no license? So he walked or took public transit with that money on him? Hoo boy.

Steph said...

No- he drove there. I guess he either has a fake ID, or just takes his chances.