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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Back in Tampa


I had a great time in Destin.

It's so peaceful up there.

The condo my sister rented was right on the sand, and the view was absolutely gorgeous. I saw about 10 dolphins, as well as a huge sailfish of some sort, that jumped about 3 feet out of the water. I brought my camera along and took some pics while I was there...

This was the view from my room

The beach

That's a dolphin fin sticking out of the water to the upper right of the guy in the inner tube. I tried to snap the picture when his body was more out of the water (the dolphin, not the guy), but I wasn't fast enough with the camera. You can see it a little better if you click on the picture, but it's still kinda blurry.

Pretty purply sunset

Little Man Trevor, his uncle, and me

My favorite Trevor picture ever

He's so close to being able to walk on his own.

Me and Little Man

Kickin' back on the beach (notice my flip-flop tan)

Little Man and his proud parents

Me and sis having some vino on the deck

I took the scenic route on the way up, and it ended up taking me about 8.5 hours to get there. The drive was really pretty, though, and I had my Harmonic Wealth cds to listen to, so it went by pretty quickly. I also managed to put a deal together with Murphy and one of my buyers while I was en route, so I'm quite happy about that.

Oh, and the deal that was supposed to close on the 28th (the one that has been extended twice already), did not close. The bank is still too busy to sign the deed package, so they asked for another TWO WEEK extension. Everything is ready to go at the title company- all the bank needs to do is sign a few documents, but they are dragging their feet for some reason. It's very frustrating, but there's nothing I can do about it except wait impatiently for them to pull their heads out of their asses...

Anywho, that's all I've got for now. Gotta go get ready for the big Cavs/Magic game tonight...



Anonymous said...


Are you still doing simultaneous closings when you are flipping these REOs?

I've looked for a title company to do them but they all say no.


Steph said...

Hi Ray,

Yes, I'm still doing simul closes. There are several title companies in Tampa who do them.

Your best bet is to locate the active REO wholesalers in your city and ask them for a referral. That's how I found mine.

If you can't find one, you can always use transactional funding instead. You just have to account for the extra costs when you run the #s


Anonymous said...

Steph, Roshard here.

That's so strange you are going for the Cavs and Orlando is so close to Tampa...Hmmmm I wonder why? Inquiring minds want to know.

Steph said...

Hi Roshard,

My ex-boyfriend was from Cleveland and turned me into a Cavs fan. :)


ncarey said...

What, No pictures of the hunks next door?

Steph said...

They were already gone when I got there. :(