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Monday, June 1, 2009

Accountability Monday. Kind of.


So, I thought I would switch up Accountability Monday a little bit this week.

After listening to the Harmonic Wealth cds on my trip to Destin, I decided that I need to make some serious changes to my lifestyle. I need to work on ridding myself of my bad habits (of which I have many), and replacing them with habits that are going to get me to where I want to be.

Over the weekend, I was poking around on the Internet, and stumbled upon a post by Tim Ferriss that talks about how to successfully create new habits. If you have a few minutes to spare, head on over there and check it out- I think you will like it. Go ahead and read it now....I'll wait...

I really like the idea of only picking one habit to implement at a time, and then focusing on it for one month, as opposed to trying to revamp your entire life all in one fell swoop. This is what I have done in the past, and I know from experience that it does not work (think New Year's resolutions). I feel confident that by picking one habit to work on at a time, that I will be much more effective than by trying to turn myself into Wonder Woman overnight.

After reading Tim's post, I decided that today would be the perfect day to start a Power of Less Challenge.... it's a brand new week, and a brand new month.... perfect timing! It is suggested in Leo Babauta's "The Power of Less" (which I'm going to pick up at Borders today), that you tell as many people as possible about the new habit you intend to create- by posting it on an online forum, or sending out an email blast....

So...for the month of June, the goal/habit that I am going to focus on, is getting up @ 6am and doing my cardio (either running, swimming laps, or rollerblading). I am very inconsistent with my exercise routine, and I have been struggling with this all year. I feel fantastic when I get up early and hit the gym first thing, but I always seem to get sidetracked (usually by emails, Facebook, phone calls, etc), and next thing I know it's 5pm and I don't have the energy to do it.

I chose this goal/habit last night, and I was up at 6:15 this morning and in the pool by 6:30. My intention is to do this 5 days/week (M-F), and then take the other 2 days off.

I intend to follow through with this, and will be posting a new goal/habit at the beginning of each month, as well as reporting on my progress throughout the month.

I hope that you guys will join me in doing this- I think it is something that we can all benefit from. It is key to let as many people know of your intentions as possible- it will help keep you accountable and give you motivation to succeed.

Don't wait until tomorrow, or next week, or next year, to start. Start today. Even if it is a small goal- start today.

Let's hear it guys- what is your challenge for June?


Anonymous said...

Hi Steph,

Its Ray again.

I just found your blog over the weekend and read it all from beginning to end. It is very inspiring to see how far hard work and determination can get you.

I am also in Tampa and would love to get together for lunch of Starbucks sometime (my treat).

I was recently laid off, so I am going after real estate full time now. I look at it as a blessing in disguise.

I also have struggles staying consistent with my workouts, so I am going to copy you and commit to getting to the gym by 8am 4 days a week.

I look forward to watching you progress.

Ray Minici

Steph said...

Hello Ray,

Thanks for joining in.

Have you ever been to the Wealth Builders meeting on Tuesdays on Dale Mabry? I think I met you there a few years ago. I have your biz card still- unless there's another Ray Minici running around Tampa. :)

I'm always down for a Starbucks. Shoot me an email and let's set something up.

Take care, and thanks for stopping by,


Anonymous said...

Yup, that was me.

I haven't been to a meeting in a long time, though. Do you still attend that one?


Matt said...

Hi Steph,

I have been reading your blog for quite sometime now and I must say this could be the best one I have read. I have already been very inspired by what I have read on that site. I to am very inconsistant with my workouts and I'm making the commitment today to get up @ 6:00 AM and run wiht the dog before work. Thanks again for providing such a great blog. Good luck - Matt

Steph said...

Ray- no, I haven't been to that meeting in a long time. These days I do most of my networking online. I've been meaning to get to some meetings just to connect with new people, but I keep procrastinating. Maybe we can go to one together.

Matt- thanks for joining in. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who has trouble making it to the gym on a consistent basis. I've found that I need to get it out of the way first thing in the morning or otherwise it doesn't get done.

I'm really going to give it 100% this month. I hope you guys do too.

Thanks for stopping by.


Scott Costello said...

Steph, you hit on something that I've been trying wrap my brain around for the past year and only recently figured out for myself. Starting small and being consistent. When I read the 4 hour work week it was like reading my own mind. Now i'm reading The Total Money Makeover and the concepts are the same. It seems all successful people start small and build upon that with consistent habit changing efforts.

My Monthly Goal is to Eliminate my debt. Pay off the small debts first and then move on. First is my wife's Student loans.

Good luck to everyone

Steph said...

Hi Scott,

Total Money Makeover is next up on my list. I've heard lots of good things about it.

I really think that I am going to be very successful at developing my desired habits if I tackle each one, one at a time. It will take a lot longer than trying to conquer all of them at once, but I am in this for the long haul, and am willing to put forth the time and effort necessary to make my life look exactly the way I want it to.

Thanks for participating.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Roshard here.

I'm down, Whew!! I got that move out of the way...(Thank GOD) I can't stand moving but I associated it with something I DO ENJOY and that was music. So I put my earphones on and did the move. It wasn't as bad as I thought. So I guess the lesson is this: If you have to do something that you don't enjoy, associate it with something that you do and you will feel better about it overall.

*So my goal is this: June 1st read 1 hour before going to bed every night, something that will motivate and empower and develop me as a human being.

I will let you know how it works out. Take care!

Steph said...

Hey Roshard-

Glad you got the move squared away.

Music makes everything better... It's almost impossible for me to run if I don't have tunes. I crank up the techno, and it makes it so much easier.

If you are looking for some good book recommendations, try here:

You may have to cut and paste, sorry :)

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Roshard here,

No worries I'm a computer guy at heart =) I never get my books from BN or Amazon too too beaucoup money. I normally go to It's true they are used books but I have been using that site for years and I have NEVER had a bad looking book even the ones I paid 2 dollars for. I guess you can say that I am into value.

Brian said...

Steph, waking up early is great (Sunday was 2 weeks for me at getting up at 6:00am, I've done it before for 30 days but fell off, so I'm at it again) and exercising in the morning is especially good for setting the day off right. Good stuff! I'll bet that your overall productivity will go up while doing this.


Steph said...

Never heard of, Roshard. I'm going to check it out. I ordered a book on Amazon last month for 75 cents + shipping. The guy never sent it to me, and after 4 weeks of waiting, I filed a complaint and got my money back. I was pissed because I really wanted the book. I ended up going to Borders and paying 12 bucks for it because I was sick of waiting. :(


I've also gone 30 days waking up @ 6am, and it felt great. I always seem to revert back to my old habits though. This time I'm going to stick with it.


Unknown said...

I've been spending way too much time with getting one of my rentals fixed up and rented. Now that it is it's time to go back to making offers. I commit to visiting at least 5 properties a week and making at least 5 offers a week this month. It doesn't sound like much, but it's a step back in the right direction.


Steph said...

Hi Glenn,

I always have a hard time getting back into a groove after I stop making offers. Not sure why, but I always procrastinate for a few days (or weeks sometimes) before I jump back on the offer train.

I think 5/week is a good goal to get the momentum going again.

Hope you are doing well,

Brandon said...

I'm in!

I'm going to have to jump on the bandwagon here and also commit to getting up and hour early every day (5 am) so I can get my workouts in.

I used to do this 5-7 days a week, and then I got sidetracked.

Have a great week everyone!


Steph said...

Nice to see you back in action, Brandon.

Hope you enjoyed the vacation. :)

Chris said...

Great post Steph!

I'm in for...
1. Set your 3 MITs (Most Important Tasks) each morning.


Leesa C. said...

Hey Steph et al,
Got majorly sidetracked the last few weeks. Hubby's van was totaled by an accident, he's ok though that's the good thing. Bad thing is I have no van because he needs it for work. Anyway, until we get a another "new" USED van which will probably a month I will focus on cleaning the house and getting consistent with it.

Sincerely in Christ,
Leesa C.
L.J. Cramer Properties

P.S. - Wow Steph! Again you come up with the coolest things! Thanks for your blog!

Steph said...

Sorry to hear about the accident, Leesa. Glad that your hubby is OK.

Thanks for joining in. :)

CoreyW said...

I will share my success in a similar venture to help provide so motivation. My goals were to improve overall health and weight-loss. I started changing my habits in February and since then I have given up soda and fast food (I know that sounds scary but it hasn't been as bad as it sounds). I had already been running off and on for 7 years (more off than on) but now I do it consistantly 4 times a week between 7-8PM. I tried that morning stuff and it doesn't work for me.

As for the results, I have lost 30 pounds and I am going in next week to have my cholesterol checked. I have never felt better.

Good Luck to everyone!

Now it's time to work on my real estate habits.

Steph said...

Wow- 30 pounds in 4 months is really impressive- congratulations to you!

I have also been an off and on runner for about the same length of time, and am really looking forward to making it a permanent habit.

Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing.

Shae said...

Hey Steph, I really like this concept. Doing something like focusing on ONE thing is a huge challenge for me. LOL! Nevertheless, I'm game...and perhaps this can help me establish some good habits that have nothing to do with REI goals. My goal for June is to make sure I get at LEAST 15 minutes of exercise every single day. 15 minutes sounds like nothing I know...but considering I'm getting zero minutes 4 or 5 days out of the week (I play tennis for a couple hours on the weekends and that's it), this will be a huge improvement for me.

Steph said...

Hi Shae,

I think the important part is just developing the habit and getting into a groove of doing it every day. You can always add more time as you go.

I think it's a great plan.


ncarey said...

Hey Steph,

Thanks for the tip. This fits in with where I am at the moment. I just went to Steve and Shaun's lifeonaire event last week and this fits in perfectly.

I had stopped by Zen habits once but I guess I didn't do enough reading.