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Monday, June 15, 2009

Deal Update/Monthly Goals


Well, it looks like I'm not going to be able to pull this deal off after all. I've got a few guys that are on the fence about it, but I don't think I'm going to be able to get them to commit by the end of the day today.

I ended up putting out 60 signs over the weekend (the goal was 100, but I didn't quite make it). My phone was ringing off the hook yesterday, although most of the calls came from tire kickers and/or people who couldn't speak English. That's the way it goes sometimes..

I need to get a few more deals in the pipeline, so this week I'll be making a massive amount of offers, and putting a massive amount of signs out looking for more buyers...

I hope all of you guys are doing well with the goals that you set for yourselves this month- today is the halfway point, so I thought I would update you with my progress.. I committed to getting up at 6 am 5 days/week (M-F), and getting my cardio out of the way first thing... So far, I am 11 for 11! I haven't missed a day yet, and I have to tell you, it feels FANTASTIC! I'd like to start implementing a few more habits into my daily routine, but Leo Babauta is adamant about only working on developing one new habit every 30 days. I think I will take his word for it, being that he is a Zen Master and all..

Well, gotta run- the mls is calling me....

Happy Monday, Blogosphere!

Did anybody else get their Facebook vanity url over the weekend? I forgot about it until Saturday afternoon, but still managed to get my name! :)


Anonymous said...

My vanity url was already taken.

Happy Monday to you, too.

John Smith

Steph said...

Clever. :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on your commitment to your goals.:)

Are you going to St. Louis this week, or are you staying there to work?


Kelly said...

60 is a lot of signs. I think 60 would plaster my entire town! :) Have you ever thought of one of those dial up interpreters? I used one years ago at my employer, I forget the name but they were quick and easy.

I'm having a hard time with the 'just one' concept. I'm dealin tho.

Have a Bitchen week ;)

Steph said...

Hi Glenn,

I'm not going to be able to make it to St. Louis. I was going to go up and stay w my sister, but she is going to be in LA on a business trip.

Have fun at the event, and try not to get too crazy on the daiquiris. :)


I've tossed the idea around a few times, but it seems like it would just be a royal pain in the ass. I like to keep things nice and simple. :)


Alex Rodriguez said...

If you ever need help with Spanish speakers, I'm available as your translator. :)


Anonymous said...

Just curious... How do you guys stay so commited to your goals?

I'll set a goal for myself and I will do it for like 3 or 4 days and all sudden I've missed it for three or four days in a roll. I have a hard time staying commited and focused on my goals.

You guys have any pointers? I could use the help.


Brian said...

Steph, I found a wholesaler who wants me to market/find a buyer for one of her deals. How do you qualify your prospective buyers when you get calls from the bandit signs to make sure they're legit?


Steph said...

Thanks Alex,

I may take you up on that!


I normally have a tough time sticking with the goals I set for myself, too. It really has helped me to pick just one area to focus on (as opposed to trying to change everything all at once).

It definitely takes discipline and commitment, but I am very serious about making major changes in my life, so I am willing to put forth the effort.

For me, it also helps a lot to have this blog. It helps keep me accountable when I know that other people are reading.

I also have an accountability partner (Jerry) who I am in contact with every day via our wiki page that we set up. This is also a great tool for me and helps me stay on track.....If I was left to my own devices, I would probably sit around all day surfing the net and drinking wine.


Hugh, can you send me your email address? Mine is Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Steph,

I will take your suggestions by heart. I will have to try one of those wiki wiki out.

By the way I sent you email.


Steph said...

Got it, Hugh.


I've always been pretty good at gauging if the person is a serious investor or a waste of my time.

Usually the ones that are full of bs will have a "business partner" or "group of investors" that they are working with... When I hear someone say they have to talk it over with their "money partner" I run for the hills.

I always ask them where their other properties are located, and will try to get an address out of them so I can do my homework. Or, I try to get their first and last name so I can look them up in the tax records/county clerk website.

I almost always ask people upfront if they are a wholesaler, and let them know that I am too, and that I would be happy to partner on the deal with them if they supply the buyer. If you get this out of the way first thing, they will be less likely to make up a bullshit story about being a cash buyer, yada yada.

Finally, MAKE SURE TO GET A LARGE, NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT!!! Always, always, always, get a deposit (no personal checks). And don't ever take their word that they are going to "drop it off at their title company." Either have them make it out to you, or, if they want to have it held in an escrow acct, make sure you call the title co to verify that it is there.

Do those things, and you should be OK.

The more you do it, the easier it is to sniff out the guys who are full of shit (and there are a lot of them out there).


Brian said...

Steph, yes that is helpful. I think I overthink stuff too much at times, need more action.
