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Thursday, April 12, 2007


It's about 2am and I just got finished packing. I like to wait until the last possible minute to get ready for a trip. I do it every time. I guess I can sleep on the plane.

I made offers on 2 of the leads the mortgage guys gave me. One lady laughed out loud at my offer, and the other guy is thinking bout it. If he takes the offer, I already have it sold for 10k more. I'll get 5k from it after splitting it, and will be happy as heck. Nothing like getting qualified leads handed to you on a silver platter.

The short sale guy I have been working with for the past couple of months is now having another guy handle my leads (I think he is swamped). This new guy totally dropped the ball on the first lead I gave him. I faxed him the seller's information last Thurday, and followed up w an email. He sent an email back the next day (Friday) teling me he would call the seller that day. Monday night rolls around, and I get a call from the seller (who is freaking out and wants to talk to someone), who tells me she still hasn't heard from him. To me, this is unacceptable. If I tell someone I am going to do something, I do it, and I expect other people (especially people I am conducting business with) to operate in the same way. I ended up giving the lead to a friend of mine who is starting to do short sales again. He followed up immediately w her. He was at her house today getting paperwork signed, and the seller told him the other guy finally got around to calling her today- 1 week later. Way to go buddy.

It's almost been 6 months since I started this blog. Wow. The time sure has gone by fast. I was thinking today about how much I have learned since then. It's interesting that I have been learning about real estate, reading books and websites, going to seminars, and buying courses since 2001, but I have learned more in the last 6 months than I did in the 6 years before I started taking action. Nothing compares to the education you get when you start putting what you have learned into action. It took me a really long time to realize that, but I'm glad I finally got off the fence and jumped in.

A friend of mine sent these words of wisdom to me in an email a few months ago when I was feeling down. I have it taped on my computer screen, and it keeps me going when times get tough- "As it pertains to your real estate career, you must develop a determined attitude at an absolutely fierce level. A "take no prisoners" approach is the only one that produces the results you are looking for. It is not that our efforts "might" pay off, it is that they "must" pay off. Failure is not an option, and quitting is the only way to fail. DO NOT GIVE UP. Everyone quits- be exceptional.

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