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Thursday, June 14, 2007


My friend who I'm assigning this latest deal to called this morning to tell me the closing is not going to be until next week. I am PISSED off. I knew this was going to happen. This lady is sitting in her living room on lawn furniture because everything has been sold or is packed up and ready to go. The closing is supposed to be TOMORROW. Again, I am going to have to make the call and tell her- sorry, now you have to wait another 5 days or so.

In other news, I got a call yesterday from some of the marketing I've been doing. The house is free and clear, and the husband just died, and the daughter called to see what I would offer. I need to call them back today once I check the comps.

I've changed my marketing considerably in the last couple of weeks after taking a long hard look at who I am marketing to. I would say that over half of my marketing is reaching people who have very little or no equity. It's hard to get a wholesale deal if there is no equity. So, I am making a concerted effort to market ONLY to people who (1) have big problems, and (2) have big equities. That's all I'm looking for. They are out there, now I need to find them, market to them, and get them to call me. I see that I have wasted a lot of time and money on marketing to the wrong people. I may be getting less calls, but at least I know that when I do get a call, the person on the other line is in trouble, and has enough equity to make a deal.

That's about it for now. I've got more letters to send out, and just got another lead in from one of the letters I sent out over the weekend.

I'm up to 4.5 miles a day.

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