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Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Happy 4th of July!

I got quite a bit accomplished today- actually, I just crossed off the last thing on my to-do list. I finally figured out how to put all of my offers on a spread sheet so I can keep better track of them. It was easier than I expected. I picked out 5 properties to make offers on tomorrow. I made only 2 yesterday.

Tomorrow I'm taking an investor to lunch. He is a wholesaler and is doing very well. I'm also going to try and make it to an rei meeting tomorrow eve. It's one of the bigger ones that I've not been to yet and have been wanting to go to for awhile. I'm also going to get a new and improved pre-approval letter tomorrow to submit w my offers.

I've decided to focus my efforts in a different county than the one I live in. I'm right on the border of the two, but after studying the market and the listings in the other county, I have decided that it has more opportunities (more REOs). So, I am also going to start looking for buyers who are specifically looking for properties in this area. I added 2 new ones today from an ad I had on Craigslist (I love Craigslist). I'm still going to be targeting my farm area, but that's it for my county.

I need to train myself to manage my time better. I waste so much time during the day it is not even funny. How does it take me the whole afternoon to put a couple of offers together? I have no idea. I could prob get done in 1 hour what it takes me to do all day. I get so angry w myself sometimes.

I think I might start posting my daily goals in the morning. Maybe that will help me stay on track better. It's harder to slack off when people are "watching."

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