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Thursday, May 7, 2009



Well, I finally heard back from DB.

He sent a text message on Tuesday in response to the text I sent on Saturday asking him if everything was still OK with the Pine deal. Here's what his text said, "Star and 15th."

Star and 15th are the two deals that he is buying from me, so, I guess that means that those two deals are still OK, and the other one is not. Or whatever. I have 4k in deposits from him, so I doubt he is going to walk away from these deals, but you never know. Unfortunately both deals have been extended until the 20th of this month (thanks Watson Title!), so I have to keep my mouth shut for another 2 weeks. Good times..

Let's see..what else?

I've got a deal closing tomorrow that I am working with my friend Lee. It's a small payday, but I have about 4 seconds of work into the deal, so I'll take it and smile. :0)

That's about all I've got for now.


I'm having some fun with the Sudanese scam artist. I'll write a post about it after we go back and forth a few more times.


Reesa said...

Steph, are you getting 4k deposits on all of your deals, or do you mean 4k total?


Steph said...

Hi Reesa,

I always get 2k per deal.


Dennis said...

Hey Steph,
Is having a DB JV partner enough to sotp focusing on JV's all together, or do you still prefer to do JV's and have less risk / hassle?


Steph said...

Hi Dennis,

I knew this guy was a piece of shit to begin with, so I'm kind of getting what I deserve. Well, I don't really deserve it, but I knew I was taking a risk with him.

All of the guys I do JV deals with are good friends of mine that I have been working with for awhile, and will continue to do so. They are all stand-up guys, who value our relationship, and I have no fears of them screwing me over. Could it happen? Yes. But it's not something I'm concerned with at all.

Bottom line is.. don't do business with pieces of shit, liars, drug addicts,ex-cons, people who are stealing from their partners, etc..(he is all of the above, btw) and if you do, don't be surprised if you get screwed, because chances are- you probably will.


Raquel said...

That guy really is a DB for holding those other two deals over your head like that.

Steph said...

Yes, he is.

Can't wait to get these deals closed and move on.

We had it out this morning, and it did not go well.

He knows he has me by the you know what, so I basically had to sit there and ass kiss.

Brandon said...

Wow Steph,

Sounds like you've got yourself a real winner here.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but you need to run really fast in the other direction as soon as those deals close.

You know that he will get what's coming to him eventually. Forget about the revenge- karma will take care of it.

Keep your head up.


jasonhh said...

Hey Steph,
Long time....
The offer I made about coming's still good.
Hope all is well.

Dennis said...

Well, I guess you can put this expirience in your "Lessons Learned" box :)

Steph said...

Yeah, the lesson is that he's an asshole. :)

Hey Jason- how've you been?
Haven't seen you areound in awhile. Was just thinking of you this week and wondering if everything was OK.

Alison said...

Hey Steph--

Good luck with everything on these deals, I'm sure it will feel great to get them all settled and walk away from the DB.

Karma is so fun :)

Anonymous said...

I hope I'm wrong but I would bet that he will screw you on the other 2 deals somehow. When you say you have his $4K, is that in a personal check that is as yet undeposited? I would call the bank to verify the funds (every day until it closes) and not rule out that he would stop payment on it, unless it's a cashier's check. Even a cashier's check, I would worry about authenticity.

Steph said...

No,I made him give the deposits in the form of certified checks.

J.Lamar Ferren said...

Why don't you just walk away from these deals? Are they that serious? Your time would be better spent doing business with someone you trust.

Steph said...

There are executed contracts on the properties to buy (from the bank) and to sell (to him). I can't just walk away from them.
